Categories: 2020

Ex-ambassador to Holy See: Today’s leadership made Armenia a third country

News.am, Armenia
Ex-ambassador to Holy See: Today's leadership made Armenia a third country Ex-ambassador to Holy See: Today's leadership made Armenia a third country
20:39, 12.07.2020

The current leadership of the Republic of Armenia made Armenia a third country. Mikael Minasyan, Armenia’s former Ambassador to the Holy See and son-in-law of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan, said this Sunday in his new video where he answered the questions of Facebook users. He stated the aforesaid in connection with the process around the Constitutional Court (CC) and the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to deny one of the requirements of the petition by CC outgoing president Hrayr Tovmasyan and three outgoing judges of the court.

"During the last 20 years, there was a very interesting trend in Armenia when perhaps the best cream of the Armenian youth began to be bear the Western values. (…). My friends are many of them who, for example, do not understand the silence of the embassies [in Armenia], the silence of the international community because they have to realize and deal with reality. The current leadership of the Republic of Armenia made Armenia a third country, and there is no system of values in third countries, third countries are treated as a third country. (..). If you expect an objective assessment from European institutions, why not expect an objective assessment from that character (…)? We [Armenia] are the only country where a grant recipient has fought against the KGB for 10 years to spread democracy, and now he is fighting for the KGB,” Minasyan said․

According to him, the reason is that Western values are good if there is no realpolitik; and as soon as it comes, everything changes at once, and the poor Armenians remain, who still hope for the "kind uncles" who will come to help.
"I do not think Western values apply to any particular country. Western values are the same Christian values at whose basis is democracy, the system of values, and human rights. (…) Realpolitik must also bring us to a real system of values. I laugh at the silence of the last 2.5 years of all European institutions, and I sincerely hope and am sure that they will continue to be silent for another 5 years, so that we have the opportunity, for example, to judge with a clear conscience, without noise the 89 + 1—[PM] Nikol Pashinyan and our dear MPs of the National Assembly—for violating all kinds of laws," Minasyan added, in particular.


Garik Boshkezenian: