Categories: 2020

Human rights activist: Pashinyan ‘breaking records’ of all former politicians

Panorama, Armenia
July 6 2020

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has broken or is breaking the records set by all former politicians, human rights activist Avetik Ishkhanyan said on Facebook on Sunday.

"I believe it is a common fact that politicians and statesmen from around the world haven’t been, to put it mildly, truthful and sincere throughout history. They have either lied all the time, or the more decent kept silent so as not to tell lies,” he wrote.

“It is no coincidence that politics is also considered the art of the possible.

"Recently, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has made another ‘shocking’ statement that lying politicians have no place in Armenia anymore. Let me refrain from touching upon Nikol Pashinyan's contradictory statements, promises or the times of the opposition-authorities and authorities-authorities. It will simply hold a huge volume. He has perhaps broken or is breaking the records of all former politicians.

"By the way, unlike politics, public activity is described as the art of the impossible.

"That is why I address my question to Armenian public figures rather than politicians, as well as to those who consider themselves citizens.

"Dear all, do you think that the constitutional referendum held on July 5, 1995 and the parallel parliamentary elections were falsified and illegitimate or not? If not, should their authors at least bear moral responsibility or not?” reads the post.

The human rights activist urged them to answer the question on their Facebook pages, without directly referring to him.

Talar Tumanian: