Categories: 2020

AGBU PRESS OFFICE: AGBU Central Board Statement on the Violation of Ceasefire by Azerbaijani Armed Forces


AGBU Central Board Statement on the Violation of Ceasefire by Azerbaijani Armed Forces

AGBU is following with concern recent reports of a blatant violation of a ceasefire by the Azerbaijani armed forces in the direction of the Tavush region in Armenia. With our worldwide membership and global network, AGBU stands behind the government and armed forces of Armenia and the people of Artsakh and calls upon the international community to condemn Azerbaijan’s unfounded military aggression, which threatens the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world’s largest non-profit organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs. Each year, AGBU is committed to making a difference in the lives of 500,000 people across Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian diaspora.  Since 1906, AGBU has remained true to one overarching goal: to create a foundation for the prosperity of all Armenians. To learn more visit www.agbu.org.

This email was sent to groong@usc.edu

Armenian General Benevolent Union, 55 East 59th Street, New York, New York 10022, USA


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Kajoyan Gevork: