Wounded resident of Armenia’s Chinari says he and other villagers won’t give up

News.am, Armenia
Wounded resident of Armenia's Chinari says he and other villagers won't give up Wounded resident of Armenia's Chinari says he and other villagers won't give up

00:27, 18.07.2020

We’re not going to give up. Our villagers don’t give up. This is what resident of Chinari village Aramayis Hovakimyan, who was wounded after being struck by Azerbaijan’s unmanned combat aerial vehicle yesterday, said in the video disseminated by the Armenian Unified Information Center today. “Nine years ago, I became disabled after losing a leg, but I’ll stand with the Armenian army, if necessary,’ Aramyis Hovakimyan said and added the following:

“We have brave men who proved that they are stronger than us. I’ll always stand with them, even in this condition, if necessary. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — there’s no turning back. This is our sacred place, our village.”

Yesterday resident of Chinari village Aramayis Hovakimyan was wounded after being struck by Azerbaijan’s unmanned combat aerial vehicle. He is currently at the hospital, and doctors say his condition is stable.