Categories: 2020

Asabrez: Reporter Shows Azerbaijan Using Civilians as Human Shields

July 20,  2020

Russian war correspondent Semyon Pegov of the War Gonzo Project was the first journalist who managed to get as close as possible to the Armenia-Azerbaijani border last week

Russian war correspondent Semyon Pegov of the War Gonzo Project was the first journalist who managed to get as close as possible to the Armenia-Azerbaijani border last week, when Azerbaijani forces brazenly attacked military and civilian targets in Armenia’s northeastern Tavush Province.

In footage released over the weekend, Pegov details how Azerbaijani forces launched the attacks against Armenia from Agdam, near the Artsakh border, where the Azerbaijani army stores its mortars and artillery, reported Public Radio of Armenia.

Pegov explained that Azerbaijanis were shooting at Armenian border positions from yards and gardens of civilian, knowing that Armenian forces would be reticent to return fire to prevent civilian casualties.

“This is not a priority for the Armenian side. They [Azerbaijani armed forces] thus hide behind the civilian population,” Pegov said.

The team has also managed to find the point from where the Armenian Anvakh border post, the target of Azerbaijani attack on July 12, can be seen.

As Azerbaijan continued its attack on Armenian border targets last week, Armenia’s Defense Ministry Spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan posted satellite photos showing the Azerbaijani village of Dondar Ghushchu of Tovruz region (located about six miles from the frontline) enclosed by artillery batteries.

“The Azerbaijan side has surrounded its own population with artillery batteries, turning them into a target, and then it complains that shots were fired by the Armenian Armed Forces at that direction,” explained Stepanyan.

Hagop Kamalian: