Mask cuts COVID-19 spread risk by 65%, experts say




YEREVAN, JULY 21, ARMENPRESS. Social distancing and wearing a mask prevent you from spreading COVID-19, but they also protect you from getting it, two experts explain in a discussion of coronavirus transmission, Armenpress reports citing the World Economic Forum website.

Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of California and William Ristenpart, a professor of chemical engineering, have recently spoken out about the importance of masks.

The exports said wearing a mask helps to protect you and others from the spread of COVID-19, which is primarily transmitted by droplets.

“On the issue of masks, I’d like to restart—because we’ve learned a lot,” Blumberg says. “We’ve learned more due to research and additional scientific evidence. What we know now is that masks work and are very important.”

A range of new research on face coverings shows that the risk of infection to the wearer decreases by 65%, said Dean Blumberg.

There are two primary methods of coronavirus transmission, Blumberg and Ristenpart explain.

The first is via droplets a carrier expels, which are about one-third the size of a human hair but still large enough that we can see them. Masks create an effective barrier against droplets.

“Everyone should wear a mask,” Blumberg says. “People who say, ‘I don’t believe masks work,’ are ignoring scientific evidence. 

“People who don’t wear a mask increase the risk of transmission to everyone, not just the people they come into contact with. It’s all the people those people will have contact with. You’re being an irresponsible member of the community if you’re not wearing a mask”.

The second major coronavirus transmission method is via the aerosol particles we expel when we talk. Those are about 1/100th the size of a human hair and are more difficult to defend against. Social distancing and staying outdoors, where there is more air flow, are helpful, Blumberg and Ristenpart say.

In their comments and answers to questions from viewers, Blumberg and Ristenpart repeatedly made the point that research continues to support the fundamental methods to prevent spreading COVID-19: Wear masks, maintain social distance, and keep social interactions outdoors whenever possible.