Categories: 2020

Asbarez: Requiem Prayers for Lisbon 5 to be Offered at Prelacy Churches Sunday

July 24,  2020

Commemorating the Lisbon 5

Monday, July 27, the 37th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Lisbon 5—Simon Yahniyan, Vatche Daghlian, Sarkis Abrahamian, Ara Kuhrjulian, and Setrak Ajemian—who gave their lives to advance the Armenian Cause.

By a directive from Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, on Sunday, July 26, requiem prayers will be offered for the repose of the souls of our young martyrs.

The Prelate will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood.

Prelacy Vicar-General Bishop Torkom Donoyanwill preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale.

Paul Hambardsumian: