Categories: 2020

Azerbaijan accuses Azerbaijani activists abroad of having ties to Armenia

JAM News
    JAMnews, Baku

The Azerbaijani media is campaigning against several Azerbaijani activists living abroad, accusing them of having ties with Armenia and of acting against the interests of Azerbaijan.

However, no confirmation or evidence has been published.

Articles in various publications mainly criticize journalist Sevinj Osmangizi, rock musician Jamal Ali and former ambassador Arif Mammadov. None of them have come forward to refute the claims.

Musician Jamal Ali

One of the stories circulating asserts that rock musician Jamal Ali, a former employee of the online publication Meydan TV, allegedly reported to the police when a group of Azerbaijani emigrants in Belgium gathered to support local Azerbaijanis who were injured in a fight with local Armenians.

The fact that Jamal Ali lives in Berlin and the rally took place in Brussels has not been commented upon. There is also no evidence for the accusation.

Jamal Ali has come under strong criticism in Azerbaijan for his critical songs against the authorities, and has been living in Germany for quite a while.

He says that he left Baku in order to avoid being arrested in Azerbaijan.

Former Ambassador to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg Arif Mammadov

Arif Mammadov was the ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in 2004-2006. In 2015, by decision of President Ilham Aliyev, he was deprived of the diplomatic rank of “ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary.” Since then, Mamedov now lives in Brussels.

Arif Mammadov is accused by the Azerbaijani media of “disseminating false information about Azerbaijan”.

In particular, he is credited with saying that the Azerbaijani government allegedly initiated the the conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians in a number of countries, and that this is how the Azerbaijani authorities are trying to divert attention from internal problems.

The Azerbaijani media reproach Arif Mammadov for being “one with Armenia.”

Journalist Sevinj Osmangizi

The Azerbaijani media writes that journalist Sevinj Osmangizi is “pouring water in the enemy’s mill.” Sevinj Osmangizi’s statement in America that “the civilized confrontation has been violated by the Azerbaijani side” was taken to be in support of the Armenians.

And Osmangizi’s words that “this confrontation does not protect the national interests of Azerbaijan” were perceived as an act against the state.

Osmangizi now lives in America, but when she lived in Azerbaijan, she worked with AzTV and ANS TV channels. Now she is the head of the online television channel she herself created.

Kajoyan Gevork: