Armenia’s FM: There will be no concession, no unbalanced resolution to Karabakh conflict

Aysor, Armenia
Aug 1 2020

Baku’s statements are not so impressive with the developments after July 12 having showed that language of threat, the method of threats both in rhetoric and in action do not work with Armenia, Armenia’s FM Zohrab Mnatsakanyan said at a TV program.

“It is denied in all respects, such rhetoric does not bring honor to the whole region. It is unacceptable and unconstructive,” the minister said.

Mnatsakanyan stressed that throughout the two years Armenia both in political and diplomatic arenas clearly and consistently was stressing that it denies the language of threats.

The minister stressed that there will be no concession, no unbalanced resolution.

“This is when we say and utter two simple words – status and security. These two words contain the substance because the status refers to the recognition of Artsakh’s right to self-determination, implementation of the function of free _expression_ of will without any restrictions and with legal result,” the minister said, adding that they relate to such security system which does not violate, does not create dangers for Artsakh’s comprehensive security of the sole guarantor of which is Armenia.

Mnatsakanyan said the second most important direction is the formation of atmosphere necessary for the real progress in peace process.

“It referred both to the reduction of escalation risks and peace-promoting atmosphere. The rhetoric formed in the region and which we keep listening does not promote the creation of such atmosphere,” he said.

The third direction the minister said is Artsakh’s participation in the process, its involvement in the peace talks, which he said is very essential for Armenia.

“It is not change of the format but restoration of the format as the change of the format took place 22 years ago. We have clearly explained why it is practical and necessary,” he said, explaining that people of Artsakh have shown in all respects their ability to govern, organize their social, economic, political, defense life, have elected authorities, participate in international processes.

“It is a separate unit to which these peace processes directly relate to and their authorities received the mandate of their people and their non-participation results in a situation when the feeling that they are the owners of the process decreases among them and a situation is being created when we will not be able to ensure serious and really effective progress in the peace process,” he said.