Armenian Physicist Joins NASA’s Jim Green, Says Alien Life Will be Discovered Soon

International Business Times, Singapore
Aug 10 2020
Armenian Physicist Joins NASA's Jim Green, Says Alien Life Will be Discovered Soon

  • By Nirmal Narayanan

    21:50 +08

Representational Image Pixabay

It was around a few months back that NASA chief scientist Jim Green shared his thoughts regarding the discovery of alien life. He predicted that alien life, at least in its microbial form will be discovered on Mars by the United States within 2021.

Green also made it clear that humanity is not prepared enough to digest the realities surrounding alien existence in this cosmos. Now, Dr Garik Israelis, an Armenian physicist has joined Green to insist that alien discovery could happen within our lifetime.

Milestone Alien Discovery to Happen Soon

Garik Israelis, who currently works at the Institute of Astrophysics of Canary Islands revealed that space scientists will discover alien life in the coming decades. He also claimed that the most probable space body where NASA will discover alien life could be Mars.

Following the lines of Jim Green, Israelis also stated that the discovery of alien life will shake humanity to its core, and it will compel earthly beings to reappraise their place in the universe which is so vast beyond imagination.

"I think we will discover intelligent life in our lifetime. At least, we will find clear signatures or evidence of life that have come from intelligent life. It's the kind of discovery that will shake humanity. It would be quite interesting for science, but I think it would make us realize 'life is such an incredible thing, we'd better take care of what we're doing on our own planet'," said Israelis, The Sun reports.

Israelis is widely considered one of the pioneers in Armenia who has been studying astrophysics for several decades. The astrophysicist, until now, has published more than 500 scientific papers that dealt with black holes, and neutron stars.

NASA's Preservance Rover Holds the Key

Israelis claimed that the discovery will be made by NASA's Perseverance Rover that was launched on July 30 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The rover is expected to land on the Red Planet's surface on February 18, 2021, where the probe will look for signs of ancient alien life.

"Perseverance has a 10 percent chance of finding microbes on Mars. This is purely speculative. But it's a good number, really," added Israelis.