Chamlian Honors Retiring Armenian Teachers

August 14,  2020

Chamlian honored its retiring teachers clockwise from top left: Ani Berberian, Seda Der Mardirossian, Armenik Hayrapetian and Hrepsime Karayan

It is with great admiration and respect that Chamlian Armenian School announces the retirement of veteran Armenian Department teachers, Armenik Hayrapetian, Ani Berberian, Seda Der Mardirossian, and Hrepsime Karayan. We extend our best wishes to them as they complete a noble chapter in their lives: selflessly dedicating their wholehearted efforts in the sacred work of preserving and promoting the Armenian language, history, and overall heritage. We are indebted to their vision and commitment for propelling students over the years. Their efforts in passing the torch of the Armenian people to future generations has been assured and valiantly safeguarded into the next century as their inspiration remains eternal. As esteemed members of the faculty for decades, these extraordinary pillars of the community will be missed by students and colleagues alike.

Armenik Hayrapetian began her teaching tenure at Chamlian Armenian School in 1987. Displaying her drive to instill the love of the Armenian language and culture within future generations, she pursued her bachelor’s degree in Bilingual Teacher Education with an emphasis on the Armenian language as well as a certificate in Armenian Language Teaching. Hayrapetian began her work at Chamlian Armenian School planting the seeds of the Armenian nation as a teacher for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. For over three decades, Hayrapetian selflessly taught the vital foundational aspects of the Armenian language to our young students, ensuring future success as they continued on to master the language of their people.

Ani Berberian began her teaching tenure at Chamlian Armenian School in 1989. Having had experience in the field of teaching as well as a bachelor’s degree in Armenian Studies, she quickly became a beloved member of the faculty with her extensive knowledge and passion for her Armenian culture. During her decades at Chamlian Armenian School, Ms. Berberian has had the pleasure of teaching Armenian language and history to 5th, 6th, and 8th grades. Utilizing her talents in instilling the passion for Armenian culture within the youth, Ms. Berberian also spearheaded the Armenian Club and oversaw both humanitarian and cultural causes as well as projects to further help and support our Homeland.

Seda Der Mardirossian began her teaching tenure at Chamlian Armenian School in 1991. Her bachelor’s degree in Armenian Literature as well as her Armenian language teaching credentials served as an admirable source of inspiration for her students. Teaching Armenian language as well as history became Der Mardirossian’s life calling as she passed on her knowledge to 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students at Chamlian Armenian School for three decades. Through her loving dedication to her students as well as passion for her Armenian heritage, Der Mardirossian served as an invaluable member of the Armenian Department, playing a crucial role in the continuity of our culture into the next generation.

Hrepsime Karayan began her teaching tenure at Chamlian Armenian School in 1985. Her bachelor’s degree in Armenian Studies & Armenian Language Arts as well as Associate’s degree in Child Development allowed her to connect with students on an intimate level, organizing curriculums and lesson plans catered uniquely to each of her students. Having over thirty years of teaching experience, Karayan proudly displayed her commitment to the Armenian cause by making it a personal life goal to pass on not only the knowledge of the Armenian language and culture, but also the spirit of the Armenian nation spanning generations yet to come.

All four of these exemplary women are pioneers in their own right whose love, service, and dedication to the Armenian youth knows no bounds. While the appreciation for these exemplary women lives eternally steadfast in our hearts, we look forward to a time where we may further celebrate them in person once it is safe to do so.

As William Saroyan said: “It is simply in the nature of Armenians to study, to learn, to question, to speculate, to discover, to invent, to revise, to restore, to preserve, to make, and to give.”

The Chamlian Family wishes all four of our beloved Armenian teachers all the best and thanks them for their years of service to our youth.