Categories: 2020

Israeli political scientist: The Israeli Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement of the Armenian Foreign Minister with understanding

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 11 2020

ArmInfo.In my opinion, too much importance is attached to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, both in Armenia and in Azerbaijan. Israeli  political scientist Alexander Tsinker expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo, commenting on the interview of Armenian Foreign Minister  Zohrab Mnatsakanyan to The Jerusalem Post.

Mnatsakanyan, in an interview with an Israeli newspaper, called on  Israel to stop selling weapons to Azerbaijan, calling the sale of  weapons one of the unsolved problems for Armenia. "The sale of  weapons to Azerbaijan is fatal, because it never hesitates when using  it against civilian infrastructure, the population.  We will  consistently deal with this issue, which will always be an integral  part of our agenda. Israel must stop this deadly business with  Azerbaijan," the Minister said.

" It is unacceptable when a diplomat conducts such an analysis of the  political situation and relations between countries in the language  of an ultimatum. And this statement does not contribute to the  process of activation and normalization of relations between our  countries that has begun. On the other hand, the statement was not  made officially, it was announced in an interview with an independent  Israeli publication. And I would like to believe that Mnatsakanyan's  statement was based on his personal emotions, and not just the  emerging policy of Armenia towards Israel," Tsinker stressed.

In this light, the political scientist stressed that as a result of  certain clarifications, Mnatsakanyan's statement which is, according  to Zinker, non-diplomatic, but certainly fair from the point of view  of an Armenian citizen, the Israeli Foreign Ministry reacted to with  understanding.  Israel, in turn, according to the political  scientist, never establishes or develops its own interstate relations  to the detriment of third countries. Armenia adheres to a similar  policy. In this light, Zinker is convinced that the development of  Armenian-Israeli relations will in no way take place at the expense  of the interests of Iran or Azerbaijan.

In this light, the political scientist forecasts that the discontent  of Tehran and Baku in connection with the appearance of the Armenian  embassy in Israel will eventually subside, especially in the light of  the absence of any prospects for putting pressure on Yerevan and  Jerusalem. "The governments of our countries will make decisions  related to foreign policy on their own. This has been and will be.  Armenian Ambassador Armen Smbatyan has been in Tel Aviv since the end  of July and is engaged in settling the issues of arrangement of the  embassy. I am convinced that the opening of a full-fledged diplomatic  mission will give our relations a new quality", summed up Tsinker.

Elizabeth Jabejian: