View from Moscow: The MFA is the one who should voice Russia`s position on Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 11 2020

ArmInfo. Russia's foreign policy is conducted and implemented through the relevant departments. In this light, I do not consider it appropriate to consider the critical statements of Margarita Simonyan as some kind of message from Moscow to Yerevan. Russian analyst Alexander Skakov expressed a similar  opinion to ArmInfo.

"We know that as the need arose, the Russian Foreign Ministry has  repeatedly voiced rather remarkable statements regarding this or that  step of Armenia. In such cases, Russia has always expressed its own  position quite clearly. In general, regardless of the periodically  arising problems, the Armenian-Russian relations are proceeding as  usual. And I don't see any tragic events for Armenia or Russia, "he  stressed.

Noting that the Caucasian direction at this stage is not included in  the list of priorities of Russian diplomacy, Skakov conditioned such  a situation by the natural course of events in this direction. At the  same time, regardless of this official position, in Russia, according  to his estimates, there are figures who have and express their  dissenting opinion. The latter may or may not coincide with the  position of the Kremlin, which is also quite normal and natural.

In this light, Skakov noted that representatives of the expert and  analytical community also express their subjective opinion. He  considers it important not to equate the opinions of experts with  Russian official policy. The analyst, in this light, does not see any  need for any reaction of the Russian authorities to certain  statements of certain Russian figures.

"The existing level of Armenian-Russian relations is preserved today.  And I personally do not see any threats to these relations. There are  also problems between Yerevan and Moscow, and they receive an  appropriate response at the appropriate level. It is also clear that  some people have expectations that differ from the existing  realities.  And when these expectations are not met, they react quite  sharply. I consider it natural to have a similar reaction, a reaction  to such a reaction, and an official position. Problems are natural  and they are solved – this is the main thing," Skakov summed up.