Categories: 2020

Edmon Marukyan claims that after coming to power Nikol Pashinyan secretly doubled salaries of ministers and governors

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 19 2020

ArmInfo. Head of the Bright Armenia faction, Edmon Marukyan, claims that after coming to power, Nikol Pashinyan secretly doubled the salaries of ministers, their deputies and regional governors. Marukyan stated this on the air.

The MP noted that today the minister in Armenia receives 1.5 million  drams a month (more than $ 3 thousand), and the deputy minister and  governor 1 million (over $ 2 thousand) <People who came to power  through a revolution have no right in difficult economic conditions  to double the salaries of ministers and governors. If we came to  power, we would use a different approach, opposite to that used by  the current government. Subsequently, when the economy begins to  develop, it would be possible to double the salaries of both  ministers and governors, but not now, since now the country has a  very difficult economic situation," Marukyan emphasized.

At the same time, the MP stressed that it would be necessary to  double the salaries of law enforcement officers.

Janet Ekmekjian: