Categories: 2020

In protest against the development of Amulsar, residents of Jermuk will move to Yerevan

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 19 2020

ArmInfo.In protest against the development of the Amulsar field, the residents of Jermuk will move by road to Yerevan. The event is scheduled for August 20; activists further plan to gather at the building of the State Philharmonic.

The total cost of the Amulsar project is $ 370 million. The life of the  deposit is 10 years and 4 months, with an average annual production  of 200 thousand ounces of gold planned. We add that Lydian Armenia is  a subsidiary of the British offshore Lydian International.  Environmentalists and ordinary citizens are concerned that the  exploitation of the mine may lead to the pollution of the mineral  underground waters of Jermuk and Lake Sevan. In addition to the water  basin, the public is also concerned about the possible presence of  uranium manifestations at the deposit. Environmentalists and  activists demand that the positive conclusion on the EIA project be  invalidated, since it was adopted with legislative violations, and  the document itself contains problems and shortcomings.

Earlier, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)  announced today the completion of its participation in the project  for the development of the Amulsar field. Earlier this year, Lydian  International, a mining company that was in dire financial straits,  announced restructuring and was delisted on the Toronto Stock  Exchange. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  initially took part in the capital of the offshore company Lydian  International, registered on the island. Jersey, together with the  International Finance Corporation (IFC), which withdrew from the  project 2 years ago. The participation of these international donor  partners allowed the offshore company to enter the Canadian exchange  market and attract additional investment from institutional investors  in the form of investment and pension funds. The main lenders today  remain Orion Resource Partners, Osisko Mining and Resource Capital.  Fidanka McGrath, an executive officer of the Bank, noted that the  current events around the Amulsar mine bring significant reputational  damage to the EBRD, even after the EBRD's stake in Lydian  International is liquidated.

Hagop Kamalian: