Minister of Nature Protection said that a program to restore fish stocks in Lake Sevan will start on August 20

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 19 2020

ArmInfo. Minister of Nature Protection Romanos Petrosyan said that on August 20 a new program to restore fish stocks in Lake Sevan will start. Petrosyan said this live on his Facebook page.

The Minister noted that many fishermen catch fish every day in Lake  Sevan, and such a situation is unacceptable. "I would like to inform  you that, starting from July of this year, the employees of the  "Sevan " National Park, as well as representatives of the police, are  monitoring the fish catch from Sevan. The boats that are engaged in  fishing are closely monitored, as well as how many kilograms of fish  were caught, "Petrosyan stressed.

He also stressed that the ecosystem of Sevan is in a very poor  condition and the situation should be urgently corrected. Petrosyan  stressed that the assistance of the country's citizens is of  particular importance in this matter.

"The Ministry of the Nature Protection is taking all the necessary  steps to improve the situation, but citizen participation is also  very important. I ask our citizens not to buy fry, fishing in Lake  Sevan is prohibited. By buying fry, we actually support illegal  fishing in the lake, "the Minister stressed.

To note, the new minister recently visited Sevan and noted that the  problem of the lake must be approached in a comprehensive manner. The  minister plans to increase the water level in the lake by 3.5 meters,  restore treatment facilities not only for mechanical treatment, but  also build at least three biological treatment plants. Also, this  year, work will be carried out to clean up 279 hectares of flooded  forest areas on the south-eastern coast of Sevan.