Categories: 2020

Serzh Sargsyan explained why the Iskanders were not involved during the April war

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 19 2020

ArmInfo.The Iskander operational-tactical missile systems were not used during the April events, since these events did not develop into a full-scale war. The  third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan stated this on August 19 at  a press conference.

He stressed that these were precisely large-scale hostilities, but  not a large-scale war. <In this case, the use of "Iskander" could be  compared with a shot from a cannon at a sparrow. The main purpose of  this weapon is to deter the enemy>, he noted. The third President of  Armenia stressed that during the April events all the weapons at the  disposal of the Armenian army were ready and would be used if  necessary.

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