Categories: 2020

Amulsar protector: This is the struggle of Jermuk residents for their abused rights

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 20 2020

A protest action of Amuslar protectors started at Liberty square in Yerevan. The participants who arrived in the capital city from Jermuk, call on the government to declare void the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report of Amulsar and refuse pains of gold mine operation in the resort town.
One of the participants, Ani Khachatryan, informed about an online petition addressed to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan. The activist read out the text of the petition.
“We do not see the need to repeat all expert justifications around Amulsar operation presented over the past 8 years and their adverse impact on Armenia’s and primarily on Vayots Dzor province’s ecology, water resources, economy branches but focus on Elard report which clearly indicates the insufficient proves presented in Lydian’s documents about the impact on the environment,” the text read in part.
The participants thus called on the Cabinet to consider a new scientifically justified assessment report on possible environmental risks.
Khachatryan presented the position of the majority of Jermuk community members and urged the government to withdraw the positive conclusion of the government on Amulsar operation issued in 2016.
In Khachatryan's words, this is the struggle of Jermuk residents for their abused rights
Eduard Nalbandian: