Categories: 2020

Green activists: RA government did not fulfill its promise on Amulsar project

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 20 2020

ArmInfo.The Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) issued a statement in connection with the situation around the Amulsar field.

In particular, the statement notes that back in December 2018, the  Prime Minister told the residents of Jermuk that the future of  Amulsar would be decided based on the results of an international  examination.  "The RA Investigative Committee published the results  of the examination of Elard in the summer of 2019, trying to present  them with positive accents for Lydian Armenia," activists note,  adding that this circumstance did not mislead the public. <On August  29, 2019, during a video conference, Elard experts once again  confirmed that a new environmental assessment should be carried out  on the Amulsar issue, since it is impossible to assess the real  dangers with the existing documents, and everything was clearly  indicated in their report, "the statement said.

"The RA government did not fulfill its promise and left the burden  and responsibility for a fair solution of the problem on the  shoulders of Jermuk people and conscientious citizens. Meanwhile, it  would be a very simple decision – based on the results of an  international study, to invalidate the positive expert opinion given  by the previous corrupt government in 2016. The unreasonable delay in  solving the problem in July- August 2020 led to a serious aggravation  of the situation and clashes both on the approaches to Amulsar and in  Yerevan, "the All-Armenian Environmental Front notes.

The total cost of the Amulsar project is $ 370 million. The life of  the deposit is 10 years and 4 months, with an average annual  production of 200 thousand ounces of gold planned. To recall, Lydian  Armenia is a subsidiary of the British offshore Lydian International.  Environmentalists and ordinary citizens are concerned that the  exploitation of the mine may lead to the pollution of the mineral  underground waters of Jermuk and Lake Sevan. In addition to the water  basin, the public is also concerned about the possible presence of  uranium manifestations at the deposit. Environmentalists and  activists demand that the positive conclusion on the EIA project be  invalidated, since it was adopted with legislative violations, and  the document itself contains problems and shortcomings. Earlier, the  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced the  completion of its participation in the project for the development of  the Amulsar field. 

Jane Topchian: