Categories: 2020

Armenia will not participate in the Tank Biathlon competition of International Army Games 2020

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 21 2020
Politics 16:08 21/08/2020Armenia
The list of countries that confirmed participation in the Tank Biathlon competition of the International Army Games 2020 is published on the official website of the Games. Armenia which has participated in the competition since 2013 has not confirmed its participation this year.
Panorama.am turned to the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense Shushan Stepanyan for comments. Stepanyan noted that the Armenian side considered it expedient to take a break and explore the new requirements and the demands of the competition.
“The complexity of tracks, criteria and judges’ demand have changed this year. We will follow and explore the new requirements and will take part in several biathlons new year,” Stepanyan said.
To note, the Tank Biathlon competition is held within the frames of Army Games 2020 from August 23 to September 5. It utilizes the complex training of tank crews including their rough terrain passing skills combined with the ability to provide accurate and rapid fire while performing maneuvers. The military departments of 16 countries have confirmed participation in the biathlon this year . The teams are divided into 2 units. The first one includes teams from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, Serbia, and Uzbekistan. The second division consists of Vietnam, Katar, Congo, Laos, Myanmar, Tajikistan.
Jirair Kafian: