Activists: A Security company of Lydian Armenia may lose its license

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 24 2020

ArmInfo. Lydian Armenia's security company- "Special Security Service" LLC – may lose its license. This is stated in the statement of the Armenian Ecological  Front.  

Green activists report that, according to official data (the  response of the RA Police to the request of the deputy Sofia  Hovsepyan), the "Special Security Service", based on the license  issued to it, does not have permission to store and use civilian  weapons and cartridges. Meanwhile, in the first days of their  security activities in Amulsar, the employees of this organization  openly carried weapons, which local residents and activists described  as a provocation and an act of intimidation. 

"In response to the inquiry of the Armenian Ecological Front, the  Police informed that in connection with the admission of possible  violations by the Special Security Service LLC, administrative  proceedings were instituted in the Police. The results were presented  to the Licensing Commission of the Police for discussion with a  proposal to suspend the company's license. The conclusion made  following the meeting of the licensing commission will be posted on  the official website>, activists report.

The Armenian Ecological Front reminds that the "Special Security  Service" began its work in Amulsar on June 30 this year, after which  a number of provocative actions took place on the part of its  employees. In particular, they dismantled the cabins of activists in  the approaches to Amulsar, installing their own in their place, which  resulted in clashes with local residents. Four employees of the  security company were detained on suspicion of hooliganism. As a  result, by the decision of the community, their cabins were also  dismantled, since they were located in the territory outside the  jurisdiction of Lydian Armenia.  

On August 20, in front of the RA Government, a protest action was  held by green activists and residents of Jermuk demanding to withdraw  the draft EIA (environmental impact assessment) for the Amulsar mine.   The protesters also pointed out that on August 19, the Lydian Armenia  security company used force against activists who parked their cars  near Amulsar.  The total cost of the Amulsar project is $ 370  million. 

The life of the mine is 10 years and 4 months, with an average annual  production of 200 thousand ounces of gold planned. We add that Lydian  Armenia is a subsidiary of the British offshore Lydian International.  Environmentalists and ordinary citizens are concerned that the  exploitation of the mine may lead to the pollution of the mineral  underground waters of Jermuk and Lake Sevan. In addition to the water  basin, the public is also concerned about the possible presence of  uranium manifestations at the deposit.  Environmentalists and  activists demand to invalidate the positive conclusion on the EIA  project, since it was adopted with legislative violations, and the  document itself contains problems and shortcomings. Earlier, the  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced the  completion of its participation in the development project of the  Amulsar mine.