Categories: 2020

Another domestic conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis took place in Georgia

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 25 2020

ArmInfo. In Georgia,   another domestic conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis took place.

Thus, according to JNEWS, on August 23, a fight broke out between  residents of the Toriya village of Ninotsminda municipality and  Azerbaijanis.

The fact is that the Azerbaijanis grazed sheep on the pastures  belonging to the residents of the village of Toriya (Armenians -  ed.), The villagers drove the animals away, after which a scuffle  began.  The Georgian Interior Ministry launched an investigation  under two articles of the Criminal Code, there are wounded and  detained.

According to one of the residents of Toriya village, they sent a  16-year-old child to tell the Tusheti people to take the sheep out of  their pastures, but they beat the child, after which a fight ensued.

In an interview with JNEWS, one of the participants in the fight said  the following: "We have a territory for haymaking, we went and saw  that the Turks were grazing sheep in our territories. We drove the  animals out of the field, and a quarrel and a fight broke out from  there. Then they gathered in a group of several people and attacked  us. They were in about 3-4 cars, and there were many of us, but we  worked – some were mowing, while others were standing, they came and  attacked us with iron and wooden clubs. It so happened that about  three of our people were detained. I do not know if they were  arrested or not. The fight took place in the pasture. We want  justice, we want to find out who gave them "spirit" so that they are  taking such steps, attacking people, even beating up Georgian border  guards. "

According to Torii residents, 5-6 people were injured of varying  severity, including two minor children.  They received appropriate  medical care at the Ninotsminda hospital.

According to the villagers, there were no problems with Azerbaijanis  in the past, and this is the first serious incident that everyone  already knows about. The press service of the Ministry of Internal  Affairs, at the moment, has detained a total of 11 people on both  sides, an investigation is underway. The Ministry of Internal Affairs  of Georgia has launched an investigation under article <organization,  management and participation in group violence>.

On the morning of August 24, residents of the village of Toria  gathered in front of the Ninotsminda police building and demanded the  release of three detained residents of the village of Toria.

Vanyan Gary: