Categories: 2020

Russia, Azerbaijan to implement regional projects with Iran, Turkey


Aug. 26, 2020

MOSCOW, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Moscow and Baku intend to implement a
number of regional projects involving Iran and Turkey, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Azeri counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov said

At a joint news conference following talks in Moscow, Lavrov said
Russia supports the active implementation of the projects, which
include the construction of the North-South transport corridor
involving Iran and the East-West corridor engaging Turkey.

"The Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran energy bridge is also a very relevant and
demanded project," Lavrov said.

He said he is sure that the three countries will implement the project
by uniting their electrical power generating and transporting systems.

Azerbaijan considers cooperation in a trilateral or quadrilateral
format very promising, particularly the integration of the three
energy systems, Bayramov said during the news conference.

Within the North-South corridor, Azerbaijan has completed a new
highway between Baku and the Iranian border, and in the next few
months will finish building another highway connecting Baku with the
Russian border, Bayramov added.


Christine Harutyunian: