Music: Armenian pianist wins Grand Prix at Chicago International Music Competition

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 28 2020

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Young talented pianist, soloist of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra, student of “Yerazart” program Yeva Gevorgyan won the Grand Prix at the Chicago International Music Competition.

In addition, the pianist received a special award for the best performance of Chopin’s work.

More than 400 musicians from 22 countries applied to participate in the competition. The festival is held every year in Chicago, USA, bringing together the most talented musicians in the world, contributing to their professional development. One of the goals of the competition is to promote cultural exchange and discover young talents.

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“It is a great pride for us that Yeva Gevorgyan is registering another victory on the international arena. The talented pianist always keeps the name of the Armenian performing art high on the most prestigious platforms,” says Arman Padaryan, chief producer of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra and head of the “Yerazart” program.

Eva Gevorgyan is now going to participate in the International Chopin Piano Competition, traditionally held in Warsaw, Poland. It has been postponed due to the epidemic and will be held in 2021.