Categories: 2020

Trump Blasts ‘Very Stupid Mayor’ John Antaramian of Kenosha Ahead of His Visit

IJR.org – Independent Journal Review (IJR)
Sept 1 2020
Trump Blasts ‘Very Stupid Mayor’ of Kenosha Ahead of His Visit
Bradley Cortright
September 1, 2020
President Donald Trump is taking aim John Antaramian, the mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin, calling him a “fool” for supporting “radical anarchists.”
As he left Washington, D.C., on his way to Kenosha, Trump blasted the city’s mayor, “I saw last night where these radical anarchists were trying to get into the mayor’s house, and lots of bad things were happening to this poor, foolish, very stupid mayor.”
“How he can be mayor, I have no idea,” Trump said, adding, “They had tremendous numbers of people really harassing him horribly and, I guess trying to break into his house, and he still sticks up for them cause he’s a fool. Only a fool would stick up for them like that.”
Trump went on to describe the protesters in Kenosha as “agitators,” “anarchists” and “bad people.”
JUST IN: President Trump blasts Kenosha Mayor before visit: "These radical anarchists were trying to get into the Mayor's house, and lots of bad things were happening to this poor, foolish, very stupid mayor… He still sticks up for them because he's a fool." pic.twitter.com/yaEJX2Ec12
— The Hill (@thehill) September 1, 2020
It is unclear exactly where Trump saw the footage of protesters attempting to enter the house of Antaramian.
The White House announced late last week that Trump would travel to Kenosha to survey the damage that resulted from days of violent demonstrations that erupted after the shooting of Jacob Blake Jr.
Antaramian has previously expressed his desire that the president re-schedule his visit, as IJR reported.
“Realistically, from our perspective, our preference would have been for him not to be coming at this point in time,” he told NPR’s “Morning Edition.”
He continued, “All presidents are always welcome, and campaign issues are always going on. But it would have been, I think, better had he waited to have for another time to come.”
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) also expressed his desire that the president reconsider his trip as he said it would “only hinder our healing.”
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