TUMO’s next destinations is Tirana

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 13 2020

, the capital city of Albania.

The center will open in the iconic, historic Pyramid of Tirana once construction is completed.

Until then, Albanian teens will begin their journey in the eye-opening, avant garde Arena Center.

The Pyramid of Tirana, a reminder of Albania’s totalitarian past, will be reborn as one of TUMO’s newest centers.

Looking like a fantastical skate park or an abandoned modernist shopping mall, the Pyramid of Tirana was erected to celebrate the Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha immediately after his death in 1985.

It’s long been abandoned and closed to the public, and the city council even decided to demolish it in 2011, but it was saved after an outcry and now, finally, there are plans to put it to good use, according to Joni Baboci, Tirana’s general director of planning and urban development. It will be reborn as an education center where tourists will also be welcome.