OSCE ODIHR contacts Armenian Ombudsman to discuss high court appointment processes




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS. The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) contacted Armenia’s Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) Arman Tatoyan to “discuss the current process of the judicial appointment of the Constitutional Court judges and an agreement was reached to closely follow the process,” the Armenian Ombudsman’s Office said in a news release.

“The Human Rights Defender and the OSCE ODIHR had a number of discussions regarding the importance of an independent evaluation of the process of appointment of the Constitutional Court judges, and how the two institutions can jointly work in following the process”.

The OSCE ODIHR said it will provide expert support in assessment and will prepare a legal analysis regarding the legislation regulating the judges’ appointment, applicable international standards, obligation and experience.

“The purpose of the assessment is to carry out an independent and impartial study from the perspective of development of public trust for the judiciary,” Tatoyan’s Office said, adding that they will focus on the legal acts and procedures regulating the appointment of judges, the application of these procedures and transparency.

Both sides highlighted that parliament must ensure maximum transparency in all phases of the process.

“Public trust for the judiciary can be strengthened through transparent processes,” the Ombudsman said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan