Categories: 2020

After July attacks on Armenia, Azerbaijani ceasefire violations continue at higher intensity




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijani ceasefire violations in the direction of the Tavush Province of the state border with Armenia are happening nearly twice as much as before since the Azerbaijani attack in the same section earlier in July 2020, Armenian Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said in parliament in response to lawmaker Tatevik Hayrapetyan’s question.

Hayrapetyan asked the minister about the border situation in light of the latest cross border killing of an Armenian soldier by Azerbaijan.

“After the relative suspension of the July actions the adversary’s [ceasefire] violations in the same direction increased nearly twice. We are hopeful that as a result of the appropriate actions of our military the halt will be preserved and will contribute to the negotiations process,” Tonoyan said, stressing that the countermeasures are appropriate.

He said that the Azerbaijani military units are carrying out reinforcement works in an attempt to neutralize the Armenian positions’ advantage and superiority. “That’s why they are using various caliber weapons. This situation is happening for around two weeks now. We were displaying information restraint. The OSCE Co-Chairs are provided with information about all these cases, the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office is notified, and for several times we have cautioned that there is not a single mechanism in place to reduce risks of unduly developments of this situation. Today, unfortunately, we have a fatality. Appropriate measures are being taken. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry has expressed concern, raised vigilance, this concern was predictable for us because appropriate actions will be taken,” Tonoyan said.

Junior Sergeant Hovik Tamazyan of the Armenian army sustained the fatal injuries while on duty at a military position in the northeastern part of the Armenia-Azerbaijan state border on September 16.

The Ministry of Defense of Armenia said in a statement that in recent days Azerbaijan has become active in this section of the border and attempted to carry out reinforcement works, which led to escalation.

“With the purpose of suppressing the adversary activity and preventing future escalations the Armenian Armed Forces vanguard units were forced to take appropriate countermeasures. As a result of the adversary’s provocation, Junior Sergeant Hovik Tamazyan sustained fatal gunshot and shrapnel wounds in the combat position of a military base in the northeastern section on September 16,” the defense ministry said.

 “The entire responsibly for this situation and the border escalation falls on Azerbaijan’s military-political leadership,” it added.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Hambik Zargarian: