Beautiful baby is born in Artsakh as Azerbaijani Twitter users admit they would kill Armenian babies

Greek City Times
Oct 2 2020
by Paul Antonopoulos

With Turkey and Azerbaijan launching a war against Armenia and the de facto Republic of Artsakh, a mother named Ellada, has given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy.

“Hello, world! The youngest Artsakhtsi was born a few hours ago in Stepanakert! Baby feels just fine!” the Republic of Artsakh’s official Twitter account wrote yesterday.

The Artsakh Twitter account, which is maintained by the Digital Diplomacy team of Artsakh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also revealed that the baby’s name is David.

It was not lost that the mother’s name, Ellada, means Greece in Greek.

Baby David is the second known birth since Azerbaijan began its invasion attempt of Artsakh on Sunday.

Days ago, a woman wounded by Azerbaijani shelling gave birth to another beautiful baby boy named Monte Derdzyan, as previously reported by Greek City Times.

However, despite the death and devastation occurring in Artsakh, these two miracles have not been able to soften the hearts of many Azerbaijani’s, with many Twitter users openly admitting that they would kill Armenian baby’s.

Artsakh, which has been an integral part of Armenia since at least 500BC, was gifted to Azerbaijan by the Soviets in the hope that it would sway Turkey to also become a Soviet Republic.

The Azeris, as ethnic and linguistic kin to the Turks, have always been a minority in Artsakh when they begin arriving in the region only a few hundred years ago. Yet, despite the rich Armenian history of the region, and it always having maintained an Armenian-majority, Azerbaijan feels entitled to the region.

Azerbaijani Twitter users showed their full ugliness when @djafarlees, whose account has since been deleted, posed the question “would you kill an Armenian baby?”

Besides the shocking question, the answers that followed proved to be even more reprehensible and disgusting, further reinforcing the idea that Turkey and Azerbaijan are attempting a second Armenian genocide.

Twitter user @exi_agayev wrote “I will kill without blinking. Today’s Armenian baby will grow up tomorrow and kill our babies.”

Twitter user @sul7anov wrote: “I would kill. Because if he grows up and becomes our enemy, he was sentenced to death from childhood.”

@badgrlh wrote: “If he is an Armenian, I will kill him. There is revenge for 30 years, and no one felt sorry for our babies. If there is a war, I will! I will him as a future Armenian soldier.”

Many other shocking admittances of murdering babies from Azerbaijani twitter was recorded.