Categories: 2020

The Geopolitics Of Armenia And Azerbaijan

Greek City Times
Oct 3 2020
by Guest Blogger

The news over the past three days was particularly marked by the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In a nutshell, it’s about land.

Strictly speaking, around the areas between Armenia and Azerbaijan which are marked here in red and green-brown.

This dispute arose from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988-1994). Armenia emerged victorious from this war.

As a result, these areas became de facto independent and the Artsakh Republic was born.

However, the UN continues to regard these areas as the national territory of Azerbaijan. The majority of the population there are Armenians.

From here on, my personal opinion on the events of the last few days follows.

Logically speaking, Armenia has no interest in changing the status quo. With Azerbaijan it looks different. Reports increased last week that Turkey had sent terrorists from Syria to Azerbaijan to fight against Armenia. Look at the reports by Lindsey Snell.

Turkey has also assured its partner Azerbaijan 100% support. Turkish drones are said to be deployed against the Armenian army. It was reported that a Turkish jet shot down an Armenian jet yesterday morning.

All of these factors lead me to believe that Azerbaijan planned the whole thing over a longer period of time and was also the party that started this war. Turkey and Azerbaijan seem to think that they are stronger today than they were in the 1990s and that this reality should be reflected in geography as well.

I am only saying that one war was already enough and that a solution can only be achieved through realistic discussion. It is absolutely unacceptable that Turkey – a NATO country – continues its adventurism in the region and makes conflicts.

We have already seen in the past that Turkey transported terrorists from Syria to Libya. This is a serious threat to the stability of the local countries and therefore also to Europe.

The EU and especially Germany should have spoken out in favor of clear sanctions against Turkey in the case of Libya and Syria. Appeasement only leads to further aggression.

It is definitely time to rethink our relationship with Turkey. I would also like to note here that this foreign policy is not only something that emanates from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan but also from the majority of the Turkish political spectrum.

And before one carelessly comments, let me show you that war is hell. Check out the young man at the end of the video who is losing his sanity.

Look at the dates of birth of the fallen. Partly born between 2000 and 2002. These could be your sons, brothers, and cousins.

At this point I would like to express my condolences to all relatives. Rest in peace. I have nothing more to say about this.


Markos Nalchajian: