Tbilisi: Georgia’s National Security Council on Karabakh Developments

Civil Georgia
Oct 3 2020

The National Security Council (NSC) of Georgia convened on October 3 in connection to the renewed Armenia-Azerbaijani clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh, stated that “since the inception of escalation, [Tbilisi] temporarily suspended the issuance of permits for transiting military cargo through its territory in the direction of both countries, be it by air or land.” The NSC said the decision “was duly communicated to both sides.”

The Council stated, however, that “civilian goods and cargo are transited through Georgia safely, without obstacles, in all directions, including to Azerbaijan and Armenia,” adding that “the intensity of freight transport is high, and it has not changed since the resumption of the armed conflict.”

The NSC noted that since the escalation of the conflict, Georgia has not and will not impose any restrictions for the purposes of civilian cargo air transportation.

Noting that Georgia continues meeting its international obligations with due diligence, including in relation to its neighbors, Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Council said, “Georgia’s transit function is an important factor for the economic functioning and development of both said countries, and that, naturally, serves Georgia’s interests as well.”

The NSC also highlighted that “we should not allow that, amid the crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia, certain destructive elements in or outside of Georgia cast shadow over our friendship and historic experience.” 

Georgia, the Council underlined, “has always prided itself on the peaceful coexistence of Georgians and different ethnicities, including Azerbaijanis and Armenians, which is our common achievement requiring great care and shared commitment.”

The National Security Council of Georgia also reaffirmed its readiness to contribute, in any form, to the defusing of tensions, including by facilitating dialogue and hosting a meeting of representatives of the conflicting sides in Tbilisi, if need be.

“It is our common interest to promptly stop the military confrontation and restore the peace in the region,” the statement noted.

NSC is an eight-member advisory body chaired by the Prime Minister. The rest of the permanent members include: Defense, Interior, Foreign and Finance ministers, heads of State Security and Intelligence services, and Chief of the Armed Forces. The role of its Secretary is currently assumed by Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri.