Parliament approves bill on authorizing government with approving new mobilization economy plan



 11:23, 7 October, 2020

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 7, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Parliament adopted the bill submitted by the government which proposes to enable the government with the authority to confirm the mobilization plan of the economy in its defense sector powers.

Deputy defense minister Gabriel Balayan introduced the bill on making amendment to the Law on Defense during the Parliament’s session.

The deputy minister said the bill will allow to approve a new mobilization economy plan by the decision of the government, in light of the current military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The deputy defense minister also informed that the bill is already drafted and agreed with the ministry of economy. It will be submitted for the government’s approval immediately after its adoption.

87 MPs unanimously voted in favor of the bill.

Reporting by Norayr Shoghikyan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan