PM Pashinyan tweets about civilian casualties, tags Donald Trump




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 27, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that civilians have been killed and injured as a result of Azerbaijan’s non compliance with the ceasefire, ARMENPRESS reports PM Pashinyan wrote in his Twitter micro blog, tagging the U.S. President Doanld Trump by whose efforts Armenia and Azerbaijan had agreed for a ceasefire.

‘’I would like to state that the efforts of the international community, this time brokered by the United States, to establish a ceasefire, have failed. As a result of continuous shelling by Azerbaijan, civilians were killed and wounded in Artsakh today’’, he wrote.

Despite the new ceasefire that was supposed to take effect 08:00 October 26, the Azerbaijani forces launched renewed attacks. The Azeri military also bombarded cities and villages of Artsakh.