Categories: 2020

Armenian demonstrators move through Toronto in car convoy to protest war

Toronto.com, Canada
Nov 1 2020
News 12:08 PM by Mike Adler

Young Armenian-Canadians will drive through major Toronto streets on Sunday, Nov. 1, in a demonstration meant to draw attention to the war over Nagorno-Karabakh.

“We all know someone who has died or someone who has been injured,” said Karnie Iskedjian, a participant in what’s expected to be a 500-car convoy.

The “drive-a-thon” is scheduled to leave the Armenian Community Centre of Toronto, near Sheppard Avenue East and Victoria Park Avenue, at 1 p.m.

Organizers say earlier car rallies on Oct. 3 and Oct. 18 were not as large and their routes weren’t as long.

The demonstrators won’t be trying to block traffic, they say.

Though born in Canada, Iskedjian said it’s heartbreaking to wake up to social media reports about Armenian casualties in Azerbaijan and Armenia’s conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed region inside Azerbaijan controlled by Armenians, who call it the Republic of Artsakh.

The North York woman said Armenians are “indigenous to the land” in Artsakh, which Iskedjian wants Canada to recognize as a nation.

Turkey supports Azerbaijan in the fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh, where Armenian control continued after a war ended in 1994.

Iskedjian acknowledged other Canadians don’t know much about the conflict, recalling many approached demonstrator’s cars during the Oct. 3 rally, “and asked what was going on.” She said the current fighting “is just the continuation of the genocide” perpetrated against Armenians by Turkey a century ago.

The Nov. 1 demonstration is organized by the United Armenian Council of Ontario, a coalition of Armenian organizations.

“I don’t think you have to be Armenian to care,” said Marianne Davitjan, a spokesperson.

“Everybody in our community is impacted by the war that’s going on.”


Garik Boshkezenian: