Situation over Syrian mercenaries in NK should become subject of international investigation – PM



 20:31, 3 November, 2020

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 3, ARMENPRESS. The war in Nagorno Karabakh is the joint initiative of Azerbaijan and Turkey, ARMENPRESS reports Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan told The Jerusalem Post.

‘’I want to record that in the past we had indirect evidences about the involvement of mercenaries, but now we have concrete proofs. And the proofs are the following – the Defense Army of Nagorno Karabakh has taken two mercenaries captive. One of them has already given comprehensive testimony that he used to live in Syrian territories under Turkish control, in a refugee camp. He has told how he was recruited, told where they were involved in processes, he told how they crossed the Turkish border through an official checkpoint but without any procedures. Before crossing the border all their passports and documents were collected, after which they were taken to an airport in the Turkish territory and from that airport they flew to another airport, from where they flew to Azerbaijan by an Azerbaijani airplane. By the way, during all those transportations they had no documents’’, the PM said, adding that no one asked them who they are and where they are heading.

‘’They were taken to Azerbaijan and were involved as mercenaries for 2000 USD monthly. Thousands of such mercenaries participate in the war against Nagorno Karabakh. And I think that this situation should become a subject for international investigation’’, Pashinyan said.