Categories: 2020

Opposition leader Gagik Tsarukyan, other politicians arrested




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. Opposition leader Gagik Tsarukyan and a number of other politicians are under arrest following the November 11 Yerevan protests, the Special Investigations Service said.

The 10 arrested figures, in addition to Prosperous Armenia Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan, include Republican Party official, former Vice Speaker of Parliament Eduard Sharmazanov and Fatherland Party leader, former National Security Service Director Artur Vanetsyan, and ARF official Ishkhan Saghatelyan.

Garnik Isaghulyan, Suren Surenyants, Gegham Manukyan, Ara Sahakyan, Artur Ghazinyan, Davit Hambardzumyan are also under arrest.

They are accused in violating the martial law regulations and organizing unlawful rallies, authorities said.

The November 11 Yerevan protests were organized by 17 political parties in response to the Karabakh armistice terms. The demonstrators called for the resignation of the Pashinyan Administration.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Hovsep Chakrian: