Ishkhan Saghatelyan: We are not electing a king or a savior, but an adequate person

Panorama, Armenia

Dec 5 2020

"If we had remove Nikol Pashinyan from office six months ago, there wouldn't be a war. If we had removed Pashinyan in the first days of the war, victory would be the outcome of the war," Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body representative Ishkhan Saghatelyan stated at Liberty Square during the rally organised by the Salvation Front for Motherland.

In Saghatelyan's words, Armenia would be in more advantageous position if Pashinyan had been removed even on the day of signing the humiliating document. "Every day of Pashinyan's rule is a disaster for our people and country," said the ARFD representative.

Saghatelyan went on stating that with Nikol Pashinyan's removal, stability and solidarity will be established in the country, the the state interests and the people will be defended, the humanitarian crisis as well as social and economic collapse will be prevented, providing an opportunity to hold free and fair elections.

"A leader kneeled in front of Turks, a failed leader, surrendered to Turks,  can not defend the interests of our people," Saghatelyan stressed, adding Pashinyan may seek a way out of the ongoing crisis through organizing snap elections, while  clinged on power, he will falsify the results.

"Let us state that no option is acceptable for us. There is one way out and that is for Nikol to go," said Saghatelyan.

Speaking of Vazgen Manukyan, the united opposition's candidate for the post of the prime minister, Saghatelyan pointed to the latter's experience and capability to bring solidarity and peace.

"Over the past 30 years, two cases of consolidation of opposition forces took place in Armenia. The first was in 1996 and the second is now. In both episodes, the consolidation took place around Vazgen Manukyan. We are not electing a leader, a king or a savior for us, but an adequate person, an interim government responsible for crisis prevention and capable to overcome the challenges our country faces," said the ARFD member.