Asbarez: AMAA’s Artsakh Centers and Kindergartens Reopen

December 7,  2020

During the recent Artsakh war, hundreds of families from Artsakh took refuge in Armenia. Along with other organizations, the Armenian Missionary Association of America took care of these families in its multiple facilities.

On November 15, eight employees and ministers from AMAA Armenia and the Evangelical Church of Armenia left for Stepanakert to restore and prepare the AMAA’s war-torn office and the sanctuary of the Evangelical Church of Armenia. For the first time since September 27, a Worship Service was held in the Church.

Today, AMAA’s kindergartens are fully operational in Stepanakert, Askeran and Martakert. The “Shogh” Day Center in Askeran has also opened its doors to serve the children of Artsakh.

Gayane Yeghiazaryan, Social Worker of “Shogh” Day Center, and Sarik Gasparyan, Camp Director of Bedrosian Camp in Shushi, took care of 30 elderly people who found refuge at these centers, feeding them and taking care of all their basic needs until October 29, when they were evacuated.

These are difficult times for our people of Armenia and Artsakh. We mourn the loss of Shushi, Hadrut, Karvajar and other regions of Artsakh. But we also realize that we must move forward and do everything possible to support the restoration of our beloved Artsakh.

Founded in 1981, the Armenian Missionary Association of America serves the religious, educational and social needs of Armenian communities in 24 countries around the world including Armenia and Artsakh. For additional information, you may visit