Categories: 2020

Erdogan Visit to Azerbaijan Could Stoke Russian Rivalry, Observers Say


By Dorian Jones
 12:31 PM

ISTANBUL - A two-day visit by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
to Azerbaijan marks his latest bid to expand Turkey's influence in the
Caucasus, and analysts are warning his ambitions could stoke a rivalry
with Russia.

Erdogan is scheduled to attend a victory parade Thursday in Baku,
celebrating last month's defeat of Armenian forces in Azerbaijan's
Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, which both countries claim.

"This victory will only strengthen our belief in two nations, one
people," Erdogan told reporters Wednesday before leaving for Baku.
Ankara's military support of Baku is widely seen as key to
Azerbaijan's victory.

Erdogan, during his scheduled talks with Azerbaijan's President Ilham
Aliyev, is expected to discuss Turkey's military role in the
peacekeeping operation brokered by Moscow to end the Nagorno-Karabakh

"For Turkey itself, a military presence in any part of Azerbaijan
would become an important element in Ankara's security landscape,"
said Zaur Gasimov, a Russia and Caucasus specialist at the University
of Bonn.

"For Azeris, the Turkish presence has a huge moral asset. Turkey is
perceived as a certain guarantee of Azerbaijani territorial
integrity," Gasimov said.

But Ankara's aspirations to expand its influence in the Caucasus face

"Armenians oppose the Turkish military presence, and Moscow is
reluctant to accept it as well. The same goes for Tehran," said

Turkish and Russian military officials agreed last month to a joint
Russian-Turkish Center for controlling the cease-fire. But the number
of Turkish forces and where they will be deployed remains unresolved.

Erdogan is also expected to discuss Turkey becoming a co-chair with
Russia, France and the United States in the OSCE Minsk Group, the
international body created to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The OSCE is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"We are looking to take up a leading role in the Minsk group," said
Turkish presidential adviser Mesut Casin of Istanbul's Yeditepe

Moscow has so far appeared to rule out any change to the Minsk group's
composition, a stance strongly backed by French President Emmanuel

In recent years, Moscow and Ankara have deepened relations
economically and diplomatically, much to the alarm of Turkey's NATO
partners. Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin have worked
closely on managing the Syrian civil war despite backing rival sides
in the conflict.

Turkey's efforts to expand its influence in the Caucasus, however, are
being interpreted as a sign of increasing strain in what has otherwise
been a rapprochement.

"I don't think Putin and Erdogan are as close as they used to be,"
said Atilla Yesilada, an analyst at U.S.-based Global Source Partners.
"So, I think Erdogan wants Putin to know he can hurt him as much as
Putin can hurt him and wants to leverage the Azerbaijan issue to
extract concessions over Syria," Yesilada said.

Adding to Moscow's unease, Ankara's ambitions in the Caucasus are not
confined to Azerbaijan. "Turkey is now a balancing power in the
Caucasus," Turkish presidential adviser Mesut Casin told VOA. "Turkey
is supporting Azerbaijan; Turkey is supporting Georgia in the
Caucasus. A lot of military equipment without money is given to
Georgia by Turkey," he said.


Erdogan is also courting another Russian regional rival, Ukraine.
"Turkey sees Ukraine as a key country for ensuring stability,
security, peace, and prosperity in our region," Erdogan said in
October at a joint press conference in Istanbul with Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

In comments analysts say will irk Moscow, Erdogan said, "We have and
always will support Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity,
including over Crimea," the region Russian forces annexed in 2014.

Turkey and Ukraine consolidated their ties with a defense agreement in
October. The deal includes a commitment to increase defense industry
cooperation, including in the area of drone technology.

Ukrainian engines power Turkish military drones, which played a
decisive role in Nagorno-Karabakh. Engine technology is, according to
analysts, a weakness in Turkey's rapidly growing defense industry.

In a further sign of Turkey-Russia strains, last week authorities
announced two Russian journalists were detained in Istanbul on
suspicion of espionage after police allege the two were caught filming
outside one of Turkey's drone manufacturers. Observers say such
occurrences, while not unusual, are usually not publicized by

Trade at stake

Experts point out that Turkey and Russia retain important trading
connections that help maintain the relationship. Russia is currently
building Turkey's first nuclear power station, while Russia's Gazprom
is Turkey's leading energy supplier. Russian tourists are second only
to Germany in visiting Turkish resorts. Russia, however, is the
overwhelming beneficiary in the relationship, enjoying a trade surplus
with Turkey worth around $15 billion annually.

Observers say Ankara is aware of Moscow's ability to hurt Turkish
interests from the Caucasus to Syria to Libya. Yesilada says any
repositioning of Turkey's relationship with Russia will depend on
improving ties with its traditional Western allies.

"Before he leaves the bear hug of Russia, he [Erdogan] needs to buy
insurance against what Russia can do to Turkey, and that is either the
United States or NATO," said Yesilada.


Nyrie Kalashian: