Categories: 2020

Political statements should not disrupt the process – Zakharova about speeches of Aliyev, Erdoğan




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. Political statements should not disrupt the achieved result – the cessation of military operations in Nagorno Karabakh. Moreover, the political statements should foster the settlement process, ARMENPRESS reports official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in a weekly briefing, commenting on Aliyev’s speech at the military parade saying that Yerevan, Sevan and Zangezur are Azerbaijani territories and Erdoğan’s speech saying that this day is ‘’the he day of enlightenment of the souls of Enver Pasha, Nuri Pasha and soldiers of the Caucasus Islamic Army’’.

‘’The situation in the region is very complicated, and great efforts were made for bringing back peace, stopping military operations, bringing the sides to the negotiation table and the return of refugees, restoration of infrastructures, creation of prerequisites and conditions for normal life in all the spheres of the region’’, Zakharova said, adding that it was quite a complicated work, therefore political statements should contribute to that process.

George Mamian: