Categories: 2020

President Sarkissian Says Government Has Not ‘Provided Satisfactory Explanation’ About Attacks on Hadrut

December 13,  2020

President Armen Sarkissian

  • Calls on defense and foreign ministries to immediately present situation in Artsakh
  • Urges Parliament to convene emergency session to president solutions
  • Reaffirms Armenia’s 1992 Decision to Protect Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

On December 12, Azerbaijani armed forces, in violation of the November 9 ceasefire agreement, have seized the village of Hin Tagher in Artsakh’s Hadrut region and have advanced to the Khdzabert village in the same area.

The relevant bodies of the Armenian government, to this moment have not provided a satisfactory explanation about the situation and the measures taken by the Armenian side.

Given the circumstance, the President of Armenia is calling on Armenia’s Defense and Foreign ministries to immediately present to the public the situation in Artsakh, as well as efforts being undertaken by Armenia to defend the area and the successfully maintaining the ceasefire.

At the same time, the President of Armenia is calling on the National Assembly to immediately call an emergency session of parliament, which will assess the reasons for the situation created in Hadrut and efforts for its resolution.

While highly appreciating the November 9 ceasefire agreement mediated by the Russian President, the President of Armenia also would like to recall the by a decision adopted on July 8, 1992 by the Supreme Council of Armenia, the Republic of Armenia must continuously defend the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and its residents’ rights.

Garik Boshkezenian: