Armenia Ombudsman: Azerbaijani soldiers have maps showing major part of Armenia as historical territory of Azerbaijan, Armenia

Dec 17 2020
23:35, 17.12.2020

Human Rights Defender of Armenia Arman Tatoyan posted on his Facebook page maps of Azerbaijani soldiers presenting a major part of the Republic of Armenia as historical territory of Azerbaijan, adding the following:

“The maps also feature texts that clearly don’t correspond to reality and directly underlie the Armenophobic and enmity propaganda of the Azerbaijani authorities. All this is directly linked to the jurisdiction of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia since it concerns the guaranteeing of the life, properties and all other rights of the population of Armenia and the Armenian people and their protection from tortures and inhuman treatment.

The examination by the Human Rights Defender shows that these are among the main reasons why the Azerbaijani Armed Forces committed war crimes and crimes against humanity and cruelties during the Four-Day Artsakh War in April 2016 and during the war in September-November 2020 and still commit them (beheadings, executions, tortures, etc.).

All this is enshrined in the real and concrete proofs obtained by the Human Rights Defender of Armenia.

The international community and especially international organizations with the mandate to protect human rights must take resolute steps to help prevent the condemnable propaganda of hatred and enmity against the Armenians on the ground of ethnic belonging.

After an analysis, the Office of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia will sum up all this and send it to international bodies and will provide the information to the relevant organizations in Armenia.”