Categories: 2020

Armenian opposition ends Thursday’s anti-Pashinyan rally, calls for general strike, class boycott on Tuesday

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 17 2020

Armenian opposition forces making up the Homeland Salvation Movement called for a general strike and class boycott on Tuesday, December 22, at the end of Thursday’s “march of dignity” demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

“A nationwide strike and boycott of classes are declared starting from 12pm Tuesday,” Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Council member Gegham Manukyan told demonstrators.

He said that Tuesday will a “decisive day” to remove Pashinyan from office.

“Tomorrow, at 6:30pm – 7pm, we will gather at Garegin Nzhdeh Square with torches and candles and will head to Yerablur Military Pantheon where we will pay tribute to our heroes,” the opposition figure said.

Also, he said a short rally will be held at Liberty Square on Saturday afternoon, after which a requiem service will be offered in memory of fallen soldiers of the Artsakh war at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Yerevan. 

Emil Karabekian: