Categories: 2020

Russia in contact with Armenia, Azerbaijan to ensure peacekeepers’ security in Karabakh

TASS, Russia
Dec 17 2020
According to the Russian defense ministry, no ceasefire violations were reported during the day

MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. The Russian military maintain contacts with both Armenia and Azerbaijani General Staffs to ensure security of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Russian defense ministry said in a daily bulletin on Thursday.

"To ensure security of the Russian peacekeepers and to prevent possible incidents, permanent contacts are maintained with the General Staffs of the Azerbaijani and Armenian armies," it said.

According to the Russian defense ministry, no ceasefire violations were reported during the day.

"Russian peacekeepers ensured safe passage of a motor convoy of the Azerbaijani armed forces along the route Kanjar-Krasny Bazar-Shusha," the ministry said.

Russian field engineers spotted and destroyed 1,334 explosive objects in the past 24 hours. In all, more than 7,300 shells and mines have been found and destroyed in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Jirair Kafian: