Categories: 2020

AGBU Observes UN Genocide Prevention Day with Two Virtual Conferences

AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112


Given its century-old history of advocating for the human rights and dignity of 
the Armenian people, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) has long 
recognized the importance of supporting all victims of ethnic cleansing, 
genocide and other crimes against humanity around the world. That is why it 
continues to observe December 9th-the United Nations International Day of 
Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the 
Prevention of this Crime-with inclusive discussions of an international scope, 
each year focusing on a different theme related to this vast, multi-dimensional 
This year, two virtual events were organized, one by AGBU Lebanon in conjunction 
with the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at 
the American University of Beirut, and the other by the AGBU Central Office in 
New York in partnership with the Promise Institute for Human Rights, operating 
out of California. 
Genocide in the Middle East Viewed from a Gender Lens 
AGBU Lebanon has embraced AGBU's mission to expand its outreach and education to 
those outside of the Armenian community. By partnering with esteemed 
institutions each year, it not only offers a broader dialogue in which to tell 
the Armenian story to new audiences, but also to encourage understanding and 
collaborative exchange for a better future," explained Mireille Kanamirian, AGBU 
Lebanon District Committee Member and lead of lead of human rights and cultural 
partnership initiatives. 
Taking its cue from the United Nations' chosen theme of how women bear the brunt 
of oppressive and genocidal regimes, this long overdue topic established the 
framework for the conference on December 9th, coordinated from Beirut. The 
three-hour event, divided into two sessions, featured panelists from diverse 
disciplines who could speak authoritatively about human rights crimes against 
women and children. 
In their opening remarks, Berge Setrakian, the president of AGBU, and Dr. Joseph 
Bahout, the director of Issam Fares Institute, framed the discussion by 
contextualizing the mistreatment of women in the greater scheme of genocide 

The first session was moderated by International Criminal Lawyer and 
Presidential Professor of Law emeritus Chibli Mallat of the University of Utah. 
The panel featured Dr. Darina Saliba Abi Chedid, the director of the 
International Center for Human Sciences; Dr. Carol Mann, the director of Women 
in War; and the noted peace-building expert Maya Jizzini. 
The second session was moderated by regional analyst Yeghia Tashjian with a 
panel including Abid Shamdeen, the executive director of Nadia's Initiative; 
Bourshra Ali, the president of the Jin Women's Foundation; Dr.Samah Saleh, an 
assistant professor at An-Najah National University; Michel Mallo, the secretary 
general of the Syriac Union: and Dr. Roy Knocke, the deputy director of Lepsius 
Haus Potsdam.
Throughout the day, the panelists made the case that the murder of and abusive 
acts against women are an intentional tactics used to eradicate the present and 
the future. Examples abounded: how perpetrators justify ethnic cleansing of 
women in marginalized communities throughout the Middle East; how the Islamic 
State justified attacks on Yazidi women by "othering" their existence and 
claiming they were not people of the book; and the experience of Kurdish women 
who were victims of deliberate attempts to Turkify them and even how prominent 
women in Kurdish society were assassinated. "All genocides are gendered," is how 
Dr. Mann summed up the key points presented. 
The discussion then turned to the role women play after crimes against humanity 
are committed, citing the crucial role of Palestinian women in revitalizing 
their community after the 1948 Palestinian exodus, known as the Nakba and 
fighting for the Palestinian return through protest, community-building, and 
clandestine organizing. Assyrian women were also described as change-makers, 
along with their pivotal and impressive rise to leadership positions. Such cases 
debunk the myth that women are apolitical caretakers and highlight the crucial 
part they actually play in seeking justice after mass atrocities have occurred. 
Women also are proponents of peace, be it personal peace, familial peace, or 
national, regional, and international peace, posited Jizzini. 
The virtual conference concluded with a lively Q&A session with attendees from 
around the world. 
United States
Truth and Accountability: Ethnic Cleansing in the Modern Age 
On December 10th, an open conversation hosted by AGBU and the Promise Institute 
for Human Rights featured international war crimes barrister Geoffrey Robertson 
QC; esteemed human rights lawyer Sheila Paylan; Raees Tin Maung of the Rohingya 
Human Rights Network of Canada; Stephen Smith, the executive director of the USC 
Shoah Foundation, Kate Mackintosh, the executive director of the Promise 
Institute of Human Rights at the UCLA School of Law; and moderator Wendy Lower, 
director of Mgrublian Center for Human Rights at Claremont McKenna College. The 
thrust of the discussion centered on raising awareness and holding perpetrators 
accountable for ongoing atrocities. 
In his opening remarks, Robertson asserted: "The denial of genocide is a way of 
perpetrating and perpetuating genocide, adding that "the wickedness of the 
Ottoman Empire in 1915 was seen over the sky and over the Artsakh mountains in 
2020." Emphasizing the necessity of finding ways to prevent genocide, ethnic 
cleansing, and war crimes, he emphatically declared, "We have international laws 
to prevent genocide, but we don't have the will to enforce those laws." 
Picking up on the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, Lower stated: "We feel the 
echoes of history in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. One hundred years on, the 
echoes of that history are with us at this very moment." She added that the 
definition and weight behind the legal term Genocide have often prevented 
economic and legal action, a conclusion shared by all the panelists. 
Mackintosh remarked, "If we think about some of the mass atrocities that have 
taken place last century, they have not met the legal definition of genocide. 
But no one would deny that those are terrible, terrible things that we want to 
Focusing on taking action rather than letting politics interfere with the 
actionable change, Smith said, "What's important is establishing: what's the 
intent; what's the endgame; and what are we going to do to mitigate that and 
highlight that. The definitional issue gets us a little entrapped because it 
politicizes it." 
All speakers agreed that the collection of eyewitness reports is an essential 
tool that victims and activists can use to document cases of injustice. Smith, a 
specialist in the collection of testimonies of victims of mass atrocities, 
explained. "For those who are experiencing unfolding mass violence, what they 
need to know is that people are hearing them, that they do not feel abandoned. 
Make it clear that we really do care for each other. That's half of the battle." 
Paylan posited that more often than not, seeking legal justice is a complex 
process. "When it comes to lending humanitarian aid, it tends to be easy to 
garner support for it," she noted. "When it comes to seeking accountability for 
crimes, it's a much more difficult process." She also pointed out that in the 
case of Artsakh, social media proved key in collecting evidence. "All the hatred 
that is spewed by the highest-ranking officials of Azerbaijan on Twitter and 
Facebook - this is evidence. If it's not collected and preserved right away, it 
will disappear." She advocated for the centralization of this documentation as a 
priority for open-source investigators. 
The conference concluded with panelists suggesting optimum ways to prevent or 
prosecute human rights crimes, such as holding inter-ethnic and inter-religious 
discussions. Maung made an astute observation: "The people who are doing the 
most effective and noble work are people in inter-ethnic and inter-religion 
bridging. It is crucial that we collaborate and show solidarity. Yesterday it 
was them, today it was us, and tomorrow it could be someone else."

Genocide in the Middle East Viewed from a Gender Lens

Truth and Accountability: Ethnic Cleansing in the Modern Age

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world's largest non-profit 
organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, 
cultural and humanitarian programs. Each year, AGBU is committed to making a 
difference in the lives of 500,000 people across Armenia, Artsakh and the 
Armenian diaspora.  Since 1906, AGBU has remained true to one overarching goal: 
to create a foundation for the prosperity of all Armenians. To learn more visit 


Ara Felekian: