Expert reveals ‘price’ Armenia will have to pay to normalize relations with Turkey

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 23 2020

Expert in international studies Suren Sargsyan has revealed the “price” Armenia will have to pay for Armenian-Turkish normalization.

“The ruling elite is talking much about the need to normalize relations with Turkey with a serious face. I would like to remind you that since the 1990s Turkey has set and does not abandon the following preconditions:

1. Removal of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide from Armenia’s foreign policy agenda, that is, rejection of the recognition.

2. Recognition of the borders of Turkey (territorial integrity) by Armenia.

3. A clear statement on the absence of territorial claims of Armenia against Turkey.

4. Re-editing of Armenia’s Declaration of Independence.

5. Removing the image of Mount Ararat from the coat of arms.

6. Return of the whole of Artsakh to Azerbaijan.

This is the price that Armenia will have to pay if it wants to normalize Armenian-Turkish relations,” he wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

The expert stated the current Armenian authorities do not have the skills or moral rights to hold negotiations on the matter.

“So it's better for them not to start. Although, if they have fulfilled the sixth point, they may do the rest as well… " he added.