Categories: 2020

Azerbaijani forces indiscriminately targeted journalists during the Karabakh war – Report

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 25 2020
Society 14:34 25/12/2020NKR

The Ombudsmen of the Republic of Artsakh and Armenia published on December 18 a joint ad hoc report on the attacks of journalists by Azerbaijan, covering the hostilities in Artsakh, the Human Rights Defender's Office reported. 

In parallel with the targeting of the civilian population and infrastructures of Artsakh, journalists and their service vehicles were also targeted deliberately and indiscriminately as a result of which 7 journalists (5 foreigners and 2 Armenians) were injured and one person convoying the journalistic group was killed. According to the source, deliberate targeting is testified by the fact that journalists were wearing uniforms and distinctive signs that were also present on their cars. 

Besides, some evidence suggests that Azerbaijani reconnaissance UAVs were flying at the scene before and during the strikes which means that the journalists were fully visible and distinct by the Azerbaijani armed forces. 

Maral Takmazian: