Decorated tents for a New Year event organized by Anna Hakobyan being dismantled in Stepanakert

Panorama, Armenia

Dec 25 2020
Society 13:07 25/12/2020NKR

The tents and the New year tree installed in the yard of Stepanakert Vallex Hotel are being dismantled, Deputy Mayor of Stepanakert Suren Tamrazyan informed on his Facebook page. The tents were set up to host Artsakh children for celebrating the New Year at the initiative of  Armenian PM's wife Anna Hakobyan. 

"The decorated tents and the New Year tree are being dismantled now, our people are against this initiative," the deputy mayor said. 

To note, Anna Hakobyan's idea to organize New Year celebration in Artsakh has triggered anger among many people in Artsakh who called on Stepanakert residents to boycott the event.