Categories: 2020

ANN/Armenian News Conversation – Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Demarcation – 12/22/2020

Armenian News Network / Armenian News

Conversation on Armenian News: Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Demarcations

ANN/Armenian News

December 22, 2020


  • George Tabakian

  • Asbed Kotchikian

  • Hovik Manucharyan

  • Asbed Bedrossian

Hello and welcome to the Armenian News Network, Armenian News. Today we’ll be talking about issues related to delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

This episode was recorded on Thursday, December 19th, 2020.

In recent weeks the issue of determining the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan has received a lot of attention and raised many questions. In today’s episode we will try to understand the processes by which international borders are drawn, by looking at border issues within the former USSR and then focusing on the current Armenia-Azerbaijan border demarcation.

To talk about these issues, we are joined by:

Asbed Kotchikian, who is a senior lecturer of political science and international relations at Bentley University in Massachusetts.


George Tabakian, who is a lebanese-Armenian who repatriated to Armenia in 2011. He is the Co-founder of Repat Armenia Foundation and Sahman NGO and Executive director of Arar Foundation which works mainly on projects with MOD of Armenia.

How are international borders among and between countries determined? What are the various phases of Delimitation, demarcation, delineation? How are borders agreed upon?

What were borders like within the USSR , and how were they regarded after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Soviet nationalities policies along with Korenizatsya drew and redrew maps within the USSR especially in Central Asia but other places as well (Fergana Valley, Crimea, etc.)

When the USSR dissolved those internal boundaries became international ones but not without disputes. Former Yugloslvia is similar, and a good study.

Where is the Armenia-Azerbaijan border today?  How is that border being determined? George Tabakian presents a slide deck and discusses the process, pitfalls and concerns.

That concludes this week’s Conversation On Armenian News. We hope it has helped your understanding of some of the issues involved. We look forward to your feedback, including your suggestions for Conversation topics in the future. Contact us on our website, at groong.org, or on our Facebook PageANN – Armenian News”, or in our Facebook Group “Armenian News – Armenian News Network.

Special thanks to Laura Osborn for providing the music for our podcast. Thank you for listening and we’ll talk to you soon.

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Border demarcations, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Karabakh, War, Syunik, Karvachar, Kashatagh, Lebanon, Israel, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Blue Line, Berkaber, Artsvashen, Sofullu, Barkhudarli, Tigranashen, Voskepar, Aygepar, Alibeili, Vorotan, Vorotan, Eyvazli, Shurnukh, Ghazanchi, Spitakashen, 

Additional: Democratization, liberalization, YSU, 

Parkev Tvankchian: