Yerevan State Medical University representatives say they will join workers’ strike tomorrow, Armenia
Dec 21 2020
Yerevan State Medical University representatives say they will join workers' strike tomorrow
18:13, 21.12.2020
Professors and scholars of Yerevan State Medical University have informed that they will join the workers’ strike on December 22. They have also highlighted the fact that the current situation in Armenia is still extremely dangerous and critical.
The representatives of the University call on assessing the situation with sobriety at this dangerous moment and being in solidarity. Taking into consideration the fact that among the participants of the student strike are medical workers, Yerevan State Medical University has implemented procedures to take relevant actions and organize medical treatment properly in order to not put the lives of citizens at risk.
On December 12, several employees of Yerevan State Medical University joined the call of more than 300 medical workers from Armenia and abroad to demand the resignation of those who are responsible for the current situation in Armenia and the voluntary resignation of cabinet members without turbulence.